Elnora M. Babcock

Elnora M. Babcock

Elnora M. Babcock of Dunkirk, New York, served as president of the Chautauqua County Political Equality Club from 1891 to 1893, when the organization was at its largest. In this capacity, she presided over the first Political Equality Day at Chautauqua Institution in 1891. In 1894, she was appointed Superintendent of Press Work for the state suffrage association, a position she assumed for the National American Woman Suffrage Association in 1899. She served NAWSA in this role until 1906, spearheading all national suffrage publicity from her home in Dunkirk, NY.Source: The Centennial History of Chautauqua County, New York (Jamestown: Chautauqua History Company, 1904), 1: 473, https://archive.org/stream/centennialhistor01chau#page/510/mode/2up.